Kalimantan Selatan experienced TPT of 4.50 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia BanjarBaru Municipality

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Kalimantan Selatan experienced TPT of 4.50 percent.

Release Date : November 5, 2018
File Size : 0.52 MB


  • The total workforce reached 2.12 million people, up by 42.8 thousand compared to August 2017. The number of working population reached 2.02 million, an increase of 46.5 thousand compared to August 2017.
  • In August 2018, South Kalimantan TPAK was 70.27 percent and TPT was 4.50 percent.
  • There are three sectors that absorb the most employment in the Province of Kalimantan Selatan. The agricultural sector absorbs 33.79 percent of the workforce, the trade sector absorbs employment of 25.65 percent, and the social services sector absorbs employment of 15.27 percent.
  • In August 2018, 59.29 percent were workers in the informal sector, namely self-employed status (23.46 percent), trying to be assisted by temporary workers (15.82 percent) and free workers (5.48 percent) and unpaid workers (14.52 percent). Workers in the formal sector were recorded at 40.71 percent, consisting of workers with workers / employees status (37.23 percent) and working status assisted by permanent workers (3.48 percent).
  • Based on working hours, residents working 35 hours or more a week experienced a slight increase of 0.08 points to 65.72 percent compared to a year ago which amounted to 65.64 percent. People who work less than 35 hours per week fell by 0.08 points to 34.28 percent.
  • A total of 46.16 percent of the population worked in Kalimantan Selatan with an elementary / no diploma and 17.70 percent of workers graduating from junior high school or equivalent, only 11.19 percent of workers completed their diploma and university education.
  • The highest TPT at the senior high school level or equal to 8.64 percent. The lowest TPT is in elementary education level down by 1.92 percent. TPT experienced an increase, namely in the Diploma and University education levels which rose by 1.60 points.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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 Kota Banjarbaru

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