Harvest Area and Rice Production of Kalimantan Selatan in 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia BanjarBaru Municipality

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Harvest Area and Rice Production of Kalimantan Selatan in 2018

Release Date : November 2, 2018
File Size : 1 MB


  • Rice harvest area in South Kalimantan in the period of January - September 2018 was 261,727 hectares. By calculating potential until December 2018, the harvested area in 2018 is 278,853 hectares.
  • Rice production in South Kalimantan for the period of January - September 2018 amounting to 1.06 million tons of dry milled rice (MPD). Based on the potential for production until December 2018, it is estimated that total rice production in 2018 will be 1.14 million tons of GKG.
  • If rice production is converted into rice using the number of MPD conversion to rice in 2018, then the rice production is equivalent to 668,984 tons of rice.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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 Kota Banjarbaru

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