Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Kalsel first quarter of 2013 amounted to 106.46 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia BanjarBaru Municipality

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Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Kalsel first quarter of 2013 amounted to 106.46

Release Date : May 6, 2013
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Consumer Economic Conditions First Quarter 2013
Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) South Kalimantan in the first quarter of 2013 amounted to 106.46 means that the general perception of consumers think that the economic conditions are generally better than the previous quarter.
The level of consumer confidence is lower than the fourth quarter of 2012 (ITK 106.46 value lower than -2012 Fourth Quarter ITK ITK that produces at 107.45).

Economic Outlook Second Quarter Consumers -2013
Top ITK South Kalimantan second quarter of 2013 is estimated at 107.67 means that consumers are still optimistic that economic conditions are expected to remain good consumers.
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